Friday, June 3, 2011

Apps that are changing my life

Everyone has their favorite apps that they rave about to all their friends, and it gets so tiring that I almost can’t believe I’m even writing this post. I actually just rolled my eyes at myself. But the truth is, there is some really cool stuff out there. Here are a few applications – desktop and mobile – that have been rocking my world lately:

1. Dropbox – In addition to having a short, really cool name, which I can appreciate now after recently being in search of an available domain, Dropbox is incredible for file sharing. You just go to the site – – download the software, it loads a little icon onto your desktop, and you can start file-sharing immediately. My brother, sister-in-law, and I are working on a business project and it has been pretty clutch to have a common place to store files. It even notifies you on your desktop when files have been added or deleted. So it’s really nice for work and also…um…files that involve strings of words melodiously combined in ways that one might find agreeable. I’m not sure the technical term for those types of files, but you probably know what I’m talking about. In addition to the desktop version, they have a really solid mobile app for viewing files in your account.

2. Words with Friends – Everyone knows about this by now. I have six games going with friends. Sometimes I play games between myself in “Hand Off” mode when I get bored.

3. Remote – this is an Apple application that allows you to access your music library remotely through the home sharing function on iTunes. It gets really cool when you throw in an AirPort Express, hook it up to your surround system, and then your iPhone turns into a remote for your surround sound system. That is really sweet. I just converted my parents over to that, and I think they are pretty happy with it. It even has volume control.

4. Skype Videoconferencing – It’s just cool, and fun, to talk to friends, family, or work associates via videoconferencing. It’s even cooler when you know that it’s free. The only problem is that Skype is often prone to poor call quality. They still have some work to do on the software, and maybe it will get better now that Skype was acquired by Microsoft. Regardless, this is a cool application.

5. Prezi – a presentation tool accessible via the internet. Instead of showing things in slides (PowerPoint style), Prezi gives the presenter a canvas, which you can start throwing words, pictures, graphics, or any type of visual on to form a collage of material dedicated to a specific topic. Once you have all your content, you wire the presentation together by creating a “path” that allows you to highlight the different section when and how you want.

6. – I guess this qualifies as an application. Just go to the site, enter your name and email address, and an email will be routed to you with a phone number and access code available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The conference line can be accessed at any time by up to 96 callers. After a conference call is completed, an email report of who participated and for how long is sent to the owner of the line. Pretty sweet, and totally free.

1 comment:

  1. Ok let's play some words with friends. i'm told i'm quite good. ;)
